A Time of TransitionAfter 27 years of devoted service, our beloved vicar, the Rev. Margaret McMurren, retired from active ministry. Beginning in January 2021, we embarked on a journey of prayerful discernment to call a new vicar. The search process consists of several steps, set by Episcopal canon and tradition.
Step 1, Interim Vicar: We are blessed to have the Rev. Steven Ellis serve us as Interim Vicar while we engage in the transition process, which experience teaches will take 12-18 months.
Step 2, Parish Profile Committte: The Bishop's Advisory Committtee (BAC) asked members of our community to develop a detailed profile of our mission (parish), with information about every aspect of our community life, by working with many members of our community. The detailed narrative that emerged from this process describes who we are as a mission, how we got here, what we hope to become, and what we seek in a new vicar. We are grateful to Barb Ross, Marcia Kelley, Ann McBride and Nick Fortey for performing this essential task. Read the parish profile here when it is finalized.
Step 3, Search Committee: After a period of prayerful reflection, the BAC will identify members of the Prince of Peace community to begin the outward-facing search process, considering and consulting with candidates. Ultimately the Search Committee will recommend a name or names to the BAC for close consideration.
Step 4, Call to Service: After consultation with the Search Commitee and the Diocese, the BAC will call a candidate to service.
Prayer for the TransitionAlmighty God, you know the needs of your Church before we ask: look graciously upon us, and grant us the guidance of your Holy Spirit as we seek a new Vicar for Prince of Peace. Give us discernment, wisdom, and confidence in your will for us. Guide the members of our church, as we labor to be faithful in seeking your will. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.